My 2010 Challenge

My goal for 2010 is to participate in the 365 day project (hence the blog), my reasoning is to learn more about photography, and become a better picture taker. The 365 project, you take a picture everyday, and at the end of the year you have become a better photgrapher and/or photos that have catured everyday of 2010...pretty priceless.

So here is OUR 2010...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 148

Day 147

On this night we had 3 geckos on the ceiling of the patio...I take pics of the ugly, mean is the flip side to that.

Day 146

Beach pool..not the best pic, took w/ my smaller camera

Day 145

Day 144

YAY!!  We finally caught a firefly...thought this would be a fun and easy thing to do....well, that thought took 2 weeks.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 143

Right after bath and towel dry...he's full of a lot of hair

All dry, and back to a puff ball, just the way I like him

Day 142

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 141

Playing with Alex's new toy from his birthday....They love anything with How To Train Your Dragon...especially this one

Day 140

No, we are not crazy, and decide to get another dog, we are dog sitting my sister's dog.  Sophia is so sweet and so GOOD.  We will dog sit her anyday....but I think she may be over Jax who always wants to play and LOVES her long ears ;).

Day 139

Didn't think we would ever get to this point, but, YAY, we did, Jax uses the restroom outside instead of in now, and he even jingles the bells to let know he need to go outside.  One thing I'm learning to deal with is the door always dirty....I just cleaned the glass on the door that morning.

Day 138

Loves a game of  tug-o-war....he is definitely getting stronger

Day 137

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 136

Jax has been such a great puupy, and has learned quickly.  He is still puppy, though, and hard to get him to hold still for a pic, and when he does he is usually like this...ready to have his belly rubbed.  He has at least gained 10 lbs since we brought him home, has learned to hit a bell hanging on back door to go potty, has learned a few commands, and has stolen our hearts.

Day 135

Water day at school

Day 134

The boy on the first day of school...boy have they changed since September....once again, very proud of their accomplishments this school year

                                Alex- 1st day of school Sept. 2009                               
Alex- last day of school May 2010

                         Brayden- 1st day of school Sept. 2009                         
Brayden-last day of school May 2010

Day 133

OPening gifts, and playing

Day 132

Birthday Party

Day 131

A little out of order, but forgot it and have some space to fill....A on his actual birthday

Day 130

Putting party favors together

Day 129

Celebrating Mother's Day w/ my mom and sis

Day 128

Made necklaces for our mothers for Mother's Day

Day 127

Day 126

A's birthday and playing with one of his toys

Day 125

Just call him the bug whisperer...he caught a dragonfly, and then this ladybug landed on him, and was crawling all over him.

Day 124

Not the best pic I have taken, but it was such a fun afternoon

Day 123

A special something from my hubby on our 5 year anniversary... so beautiful!  The best hubby the bedroom I wanted, the dog I wanted, and these beautiful flowers...along with 5 fabulous years w/ my hubby and best friend!

Day 122

Enjoying the weather and his book...sticker book that is.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 121

I HATE these bugs, and I was so lucky enough to be home alone when I discovered it flying in my window when I sat down at my desk....right by the window.  As you can see, he is no longer with us...RIP, wasp.

Day 120

Birthday party at school

Day 119

Day 118

The crate is now the "jail" for the boys and their this point Jax is thinking "better you than me in there"

Day 117

Alex is finally on board with Jax

Day 116

At the boys' Spring Program....Alex just performed, and now we are watching Brayden.

Day 115

Wally saw a turtle on this evening, and this is him walking away after Wally brought him over for the boys to see.